If you’ve felt like hiding your head in your hands when you’re looking at Quickbooks, you’re certainly not alone. There is no easy answer. This pandemic is like nothing we have seen before, and the innovation that it brings will also be unique.
What can you do? Make sure your first priority is keeping everyone safe. We have so few answers about this virus, that I am sure many people are not anxious to come back.
Provide virtual options for your clients, continue to grow your email list, and market those virtual classes the same way you market your in studio classes. Expect that clients will participate. I’ve had lots of conversations with studio owners and it seems like if you expect them to do virtual they do, and if you ask them if they’d like to — they say, I’ll wait till you reopen.
Communicate with your clients, openly and often. Let them know that you care about them and your decisions are based on keeping everyone safe. Take time for self care. You cannot pour from an empty vessel.
Back in the day when we switched from face to face conferences to virtual training, people would say to me, “I bet this is so much easier for you.” It wasn’t. It was way harder and I worked many more hours to plan for effective virtual training, so I understand when you say you’re working more than ever.
When you’re planning, plan for the short term first. Get out a pencil and do the math how much money do you need for costs this week – and what can you do to make that money. That’s exactly what my brainstorming session with Carey Sadler was like when we came up with the idea of doing a virtual workshop to earn quick cash. You can find out more about that here!
As a Pilates student & enthusiast, thank you for all you’re doing to bring virtual classes to your clients. You’re helping people get thru this crisis, and while it might not feel like it sometimes, they appreciate you!
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