I always think of my website as an employee. Think of it as similar to your front desk person. It’s the first thing people see, and it will give them an impression of your business. However both your website and your front desk person are not just for your clients. Just like your front desk person tells you things about the clients coming in the door, your website should give you some information about people finding you on the web. There’s a lot of products for this, and today I’m going to talk about one of them. For quick, daily checks — I LOVE using Jetpack statistics. JetPack is a free WordPress plugin with a lot of functionality, and you don’t have to have web development skills to figure it out! For me to describe all of that functionality would take a hundred blogs, so today I’m just going to give you an example.
One of my clients looked at her Jetpack stats this morning and saw this:
Clearly, something happened on August 9, because the stats were double on that day. Back we go to the calendar to see what’s going on. That’s an easy one, Carey was on a local TV channel that day talking about the Pilates Teacher Training program. JetPack stats are cool because you can click on each day and get a summary of that day. So here’s August 9.
On the left you see where visitors came from. Again, there are many ways to do this including google analytics. I’m not discounting those methods. Jetpack is an easy way for a small business owner to get a picture of what their website is telling them. What this tells Carey – is that on that day — 59 of the people that visited found her via search engines. The rest probably typed in the address from the TV broadcast, or had it saved in their browser.
The interesting part is the right column. Carey was on TV to talk about teacher training, but that page was not the page most visited. It seems that from the television broadcast, she was able to raise awareness about her Pilates Studio and what they offered. BONUS! There were a couple of phone calls that came in about teacher training, and a few new students from that broadcast.
What does that mean to me? As much as Carey hates it when I schedule the TV folks to come and do an interview, she has tangible results that it raises awareness of the studio in the community! And…..I get to say I told you so!
If you’d like to work with Farm Girl, set up an appointment for a FREE consultation on my website! I’d love to talk to you!
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