This webinar features Carey Sadler of Rivercity Pilates. Rivercity Pilates is celebrating it’s 10th year of teaching mindful movement and Carey’s studio has grown from a 1 room office space, to a thriving studio with 40 classes a week and between 15-20 new students per month. Why should you attend?
- If you’re not growing you’re coasting (downhill). Carey will share each part of her marketing plan, and let you know exactly how it fits into her business plan.
- Carey will reveal her daily Instagram plan! If you follow @rivercitypilates, you’ll see that she posts daily and there’s some very clever and inspiring posts. How does she come up with content? She’ll tell us.
- There will be PRIZES! You could win a cool prize!
- Carey will talk about how she gets the newsletter done and emailed out EVERY SINGLE MONTH on the 1st of the month. (I’m in total awe of her commitment!) She’ll also share what she calls “newsletter busy” – what happens after her newsletter is sent out!
- It’s free, and it’s a great time to get ideas for your studio! If you’re there live — you can ask questions and get answers live — and if you can’t be there live — you can pre-register, get the link to watch the recording — and watch (or listen) when you’re available!
This webinar is free, and is available for on demand viewing! ! Register Here!
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